Support Us

Support Us

Revenue from ticket sales at the Midwest Trust Center only accounts for a portion of operating costs. Your donation brings professional, world-class performers to our audiences and demonstrates the strong connection 赌钱app可以微信提现 has with the community. Your gift will help sustain us as we plan future performances.

The mission of the Midwest Trust Center is threefold:

  • To present a diverse schedule of professional performing artists from around the world
  • To be a comprehensive arts education resource for the community
  • To collaborate on campus, in Kansas City, the region and across the United States

Many thanks from the staff, the crew, and the renowned artists you’ve enjoyed over 30 years!

Make a Gift! Be a Friend!

Friends help us bring great artists to 赌钱app可以微信提现, and they help with expenses associated with presenting professional performing arts events — like transportation, production costs and artist fees.

See Giving Levels and Benefits

Sponsors and Advertising

Invest in the community and cultural life of Johnson County and Greater Kansas City! Become a Midwest Trust Center Presents Business Partner.

See Sponsor Levels and Benefits


The Vol*Stars are a committed group of 200 community members who donate their time to serve as ushers, ticket takers and coat room clerks for more than 200 events each year in 赌钱app可以微信提现 Midwest Trust Center performing arts spaces.

Become a Vol*Star
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